
Beyond the Buzz: Harnessing the Power of Augmented Reality (AR) in Industrial Design and More

Shashi Jasthi
Jul 31, 2023 11:49:29 AM

In the fast-paced world of technology, certain innovations hold the power to transform industries and transcend boundaries. Augmented Reality (AR) is one such disruptive force, promising to revolutionize industrial design as we know it. As executive leaders, it's crucial to recognize that AR extends far beyond gaming or consumer applications. 

At Solugenix, we are experimenting with the various applications of AR and possess deep knowledge in AR technology. Following our philosophy of bringing leading-edge technology to leading-edge businesses, we are continuously thinking about how to take AR beyond the current hype around consumer use cases into industrial and business use cases. In this article, we explore the transformative capabilities of AR. Join us on this journey as we discover collaborative innovations, cutting-edge technology, and an inspiring vision that will shape the future of industrial design.

Understanding Augmented Reality in Plain Terms

At its core, AR is a revolutionary technology that adds virtual elements to the real world. Think of it as using special glasses or smartphones to see digital objects and information overlaid onto your actual surroundings.

This isn't just fun and games; AR has significant applications in the design world. Designers can use AR to visualize their ideas in the real world before creating physical models. It streamlines experimentation, saves time, and offers a deeper understanding of designs without wasting resources.

How AR Accelerates Innovation

AR is a game-changer and it's not just for tech experts or engineers. In fact, it actively invites participation from people of all backgrounds and expertise.

What makes AR truly unique is its ability to democratize the design process. It's no longer a realm where designers, engineers, or technical experts work in isolation, only bringing in other stakeholders towards the end of the process when the product is almost market-ready.

Remember, products - whether they are in the realm of fashion, interiors, architecture, or engineering - do not exist in a vacuum. They are the result of collective inputs from numerous teams and stakeholders - from finance to ergonomics, safety, compliance, and more. Each of these teams has a stake in the product's success and could be impacted if the product fails.

AR allows for these stakeholders to be involved much earlier in the process. It opens the door to richer input and collaboration, resulting in a different and, often, superior final product. In the past, involving these teams so deeply might have been seen as too costly or inefficient. But with AR, it becomes not only feasible but also efficient and cost-effective.

In a nutshell, AR is breaking down barriers and fostering a culture of collaboration and collective brilliance. It's sparking creativity and innovation, leading to more effective designs that address complex challenges while reflecting diverse perspectives.

Unlocking the Power of AR in Industrial Design

Let's explore how AR can bring significant benefits to the design and installation of complex valves in industrial applications. Often, these  valves are crucial components in industries such as oil and gas, chemical processing, and power generation. With AR, engineers and technicians can revolutionize the way they design, install, and maintain these valves. 

AR brings valuable benefits far beyond installation, particularly in the design phase preceding production and installation. This technology proves indispensable for creating custom valves tailored to specific factory needs. Engineers can explore hundreds of design choices, and AR instantly converts these options into visible products, seamlessly fitting them into the real factory environment. AR's real-time visualization allows for assessing alignment, fit, and integration with electrical, electronic, pneumatic, and hydraulic systems, as well as the building's design and load carrying capacity. This process optimizes cost competitiveness while reducing design errors, resulting in efficient and precise valve installations.

During installation, AR continues to prove invaluable by providing real-time, step-by-step visual instructions and interactive guides directly in the technician's field of view. This immersive experience simplifies the installation process, eliminating uncertainties, and ensures compliance with safety protocols. Overall, AR expedites design cycles, enhances accuracy, and streamlines valve installations, ultimately revolutionizing the engineering workflow and driving remarkable improvements in productivity and performance across the board.

The "Spotify Effect" & Unleashing the Power of Discovery

Imagine AR as the "Spotify" for industrial design, where it's both affordable and safe to experiment with bold, new ideas. Much like browsing through a playlist of music, AR allows designers and engineers to visualize ideas in real-world contexts, making it incredibly cost-effective and risk-free to iterate and innovate.
The process streamlines design, saves valuable time, resources, and fosters an inclusive collaboration among diverse teams. It's this democratizing nature that drives innovation and allows complex challenges to be tackled head-on.

Moreover, as AR becomes more widespread in industrial design, it effectively creates a rich repository of designs relevant to specific use cases. Picture this - you're designing a high-reliability valve for a highly regulated nuclear application with high temperature, pressure, and radioactivity conditions. You're not only browsing through designs that have been actualized and produced, but also those that, for various reasons, didn't make it past the drawing board. This cumulative database of ideas, successful or otherwise, provides invaluable insights for future designs.

As AR grows into a standard tool, it beckons a future brimming with thrilling potential. A future where the affordability and safety of testing revolutionary ideas lead to a convergence of imagination and technology, crafting remarkable innovations and enhanced efficiency across industries. This is the AR effect – the "Spotify" of industrial design.

In Conclusion

In conclusion, AR is a transformative force that is reshaping the landscape of industrial design. As we eagerly explore the vast applications of AR and draw upon our deep expertise in AR technology, we are excited to chart new territories in this dynamic field. AR accelerates innovation, fosters collaboration among diverse teams, and has already proven its real-world success.

By leveraging AR, companies can bring products to market faster, enhance collaboration, and unlock new dimensions of design possibilities. As industry experts, we are committed to making AR a standard tool, benefiting businesses and professionals alike. The future of design is brimming with exciting potential, where the seamless blend of imagination and technology will give rise to truly amazing creations.

Inspired by the potential of AR and keen on playing a part in this transformative journey? We're excited to collaborate with like-minded individuals and organizations who share our vision of a future powered by AR. Let's shape the future of design together, fostering innovation, collaboration, and breakthroughs that redefine what's possible. Reach out today and let's transform the world one AR application at a time!